Take the Bull by the Horns with GTM

Modern marketing relies on accurate conversion tracking. Knowing what is and isn’t working comes down to understanding the actions users take after clicking on an ad or visiting a website. As tracking technology has gotten more sophisticated, it’s also gotten more complicated to do it right. Fortunately, when it comes to tracking, this isn’t our first rodeo.

We set up accurate conversion tracking through Google Tag Manager so you can always understand the value of your marketing efforts. Once the container code is placed on your site, we can add and adjust tracking quickly, usually without involving developers. We’ll take care of the setup so you can look like a stud in your next marketing meeting.

Reap the Rewards of Good Data

  • Yield Better Data with Google Tag Manager

    • Ensure event triggers are accurate and prevent duplicate events

    • Build and/or modify events to keep track of all your business’ KPIs

    • Ensure proper web container setup to merge with Server Side Tracking

    • Improve site speed by eliminating old or out-of-date tags

    • Set up event tracking for advertising, analytics, or other tag types quickly without requiring developers

    • Maximize utilization of implemented tags and events due to fast turnaround times

  • Sow the Seeds of Trust with Cookie Consent

    • Set up cookie consent on your website with OneTrust

    • Alter cookie consent banners based on user’s region

    • Expedite setup with fast rollout service available

    • Modify GTM tags to comply with cookie consent settings

    • Leverage dynamic tags based on region and cookie consent selection

How We Tend to Your Data Fields

  • We Audit Google Tag Manager

    • First, we determine what’s already been set up so we can understand what to keep and what needs fixing. We do this by identifying inaccurate event tracking, missing tags, outdated tags that are slowing down the site, or cookie consent misconfigurations. Basically, we check the full tracking cornucopia.

  • We Implement and Modify Tagging

    • After we’ve audited the current setup, it’s time to roll up our sleeves. We roll out tags, triggers, and variables to correct or start tracking key events on the site.

  • We Set Up Cookie Consent

    • Cookie Consent is required for many advertisers who track website visitors using cookies. If you are tracking visitors, odds are you’re doing so using cookies. We make sure the Cookie Consent plugin or platform is properly configured based on regional considerations.

  • We Deploy Cookie Consent Configuration in GTM

    • Once your Cookie Consent banner is live on your site, you also need to make sure your GTM is configured to fire the right tags for each user. It’s like giving the right amount of water to each different crop. But with tracking tags.

  • We Routinely Refine and Future-Proof Tagging

    • Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, we need to tend to the crops. We stay on top of legality and regions served to modify GTM tags on an ongoing basis. We also modify tracking tags if any new sections of a website launch or in the case of a domain change. Finally, we prime the GTM setup for Server Side Tracking.

Ready to Make Hay While the Sun Shines?